Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Merry Christmas 2008 Blog Update!

Christmas 2008! Our second one that is being spent so far away from family and friends! But you are in our hearts as we look forward to the calls, letters, emails, and visits very soon!
Like no other, this time of year brings cherished memories of the past and excited thoughts and plans for the future!

WOW – summer came and went fast this year! Fall was beautiful and winter came to the Las Vegas valley like we couldn’t ever imagine seeing! SNOW in the desert! December 17 – it started falling about noon and didn’t stop for hours! We’ve the pictures to prove it!
We all had some chuckles at the local news that evening. Tourists in their holiday and tropical garb, waiting in line to get a picture of the famous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign down on the Blvd. Someone even built a snowman and that picture was shown on the national news the next morning! I've posted the link below for what the national news had to say about us! To view - just copy and paste the link into your browser.

Thankfully, we’ve warmed back up to above freezing and snow has melted into the desert. We look forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers in the spring that this amazing event helped produce!

I personally missed some of the summer and the fall season altogether! It was here…but my mind was elsewhere! Most of you knew – I experienced some issues and long-story short, ended up having surgery for a total-hysterectomy. I think the days leading up to it were the hardest. Waiting. Patience isn’t something I am good at. Plus, it seemed that with every test required before this type of surgery, another issue presented itself.

On Halloween 2008, I was finally admitted and the surgery completed with only a few minor complications. After a four-day stay – I was able to come back home and we’ve been recuperating ever since!
While it is said that the healing process is slow – in my book that is an understatement! Seemed like forever that I could even laugh without discomfort! But as I mentioned above – I’m not patient.

All that is behind me now – I’m doing fantastic! Back to work, able to laugh, and even vacuumed the floors without any issues!!! Still move a bit slower then what is normal and bending over requires some concentration but from what we’re told – this is normal!

The boys are doing well and still happily working at their jobs. We have so much to be thankful for in this time of hardship around the globe. There isn’t a day go by that one of us doesn’t say those words.

Robert was recently put in charge of the Convention side of the Mandalay Bay property. His job is to set up all the phone/data lines for the customers during the numerous conventions that are held there.
He moved into a big office that (so far) he doesn’t share with anyone. He describes it to look like more of a hotel room then an office. A water cooler, refrigerator, and microwave oven help keep him working in style!

Randall – not much has changed for him with his work or play! He’s healthy and happy with his schedule of both! Right now, his biggest complaint is being cold! I dug out his long johns and wool sock stash awhile back for him to wear under his uniform and while at home when the weather changed. The look I received should have been captured on camera. “It’ll never be THAT cold, mom.”
A few days ago, I watched from my desk as "Linus" came dragging his blanket from his room to his computer chair! . It’s 67 degrees in here!! We’re definitely acclimated to desert living…. SUMMER desert living!

He’s also been busy becoming accustomed to all the amenities a good job can provide! He recently updated his “cubicle” with the purchase of a nice desk, new computer, and huge monitor. He then completed the update by nabbing my lazy-boy easy chair! When he asked – I made the mistake of saying “if you can move it upstairs by yourself and by not messing up the walls in the process, you can have it.” As you can see by the photo – he accomplished both.

Again, it is time to sign-off and get this sent out! We wish you all a beautiful Christmas and an amazing, happy New Year!! From our family to yours, take care and keep in touch!!
Robert, Crystal, Randall, Bindy, and the Flock!